Tag Archives: Christmas

Release: Chris-sensei Teaching Jingle Bells Using PicLily

I taught a group of 15 kids, age 3-8, to sing Jingle Bells using PicLily during our Dream Kids special 2-day Winter Camp. This video is on the first day after about 20 minutes of singing with the pictures. Note how after just a short time kids can repeat back the song lyrics using the pictures as a cues. Try with your class and let us know how it works! You can get the slides for use in your home or classroom here.

Release: Jingle Bells by Super Simple Songs

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells! The 15 students who joined our Dream Kids Winter Camp special will be singing this for the next month. The 2-day event was centered around a live performance of Jingle Bells, with singing, actions, playing on the drum and glockenspiel, and homemade Christmas hats. The kids earned the pumpkin pie they made as a reward with a great performance! Enjoy the PicLily edition of this song, performed by Super Simple Songs, and Merry Christmas!