Tag Archives: language learning

Release: Cut Teaching Time in Half and Double Retention with PicLily

Chris-sensei explains the key benefits of using PicLily with the Beatles classic, “Hello Goodbye”. And those benefits are – saving your time and your voice! Other bonuses include: kids understand more, retain the meaning and pronunciation better, and have more fun learning. All for free on our site – it’s a win, win, win, win! Song lyrics with pictures to aid in learning – PicLily! Download the slides for use in your classroom and support our effort here, or stream the video below.

Weekly Release: 1st 5 Learning Units Compilation

Test your coordination, singing, and playing ability with the first 5 PictureLyrics English Music Learning Units – for Hello How Are You, Rain Rain Go Away, Twinkle Twinkle, Old MacDonald, and Mary Had a Little Lamb. I take my young learners at Dream Kids through each of the stages for each song over the course of several lessons, but it’s amazing how well they can pick it up. Grab your Hohner glockenspiel and give it a try. Enjoy learning English and music through pictures!

Weekly Release: Six Body Action Songs Compilation

This week we put together the hard work over the past 6 weeks on some of the most loved and best body action songs: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, One Little Finger, The Pinocchio, Tofa Tafa, Hokey Pokey, and the Stretching Song. We hope you enjoy singing and dancing along to these in succession, and not hearing the PictureLyrics theme song after the end of every song 🙂 Let us know what you think, and enjoy learning English through music!

Weekly Release Update: Roll Call from Thomas and Friends, in Japanese!

What’s catchier than the original “Roll Call” by Thomas and Friends? The Japanese version is what – too catchy, you’ll be singing this, and understanding what it means with the help of pictures!

This song is packed good learning material – lots of strong and powerful words, and practice reading the Japanese Hiragana and Katakana alphabets. You can also print out the slides for use at home or the classroom here, or let the video play and take it all in that way. Enjoy!

Weekly Release Update: Roll Call from Thomas and Friends!

This week is none other than the incredibly catchy “Roll Call” theme from Thomas and Friends. Thanks to BrownBeltLife for recommending me to make a video for this song – it was fun – and if anyone has a recommendation or request for a song please let me know!

This fun song is packed with educational material – numbers, colors, personality traits, truck shunting – really useful! And with Picture Lyrics you get to speed up learning and retention by pairing pictures with all the key words and phrases. So print out the slides for use at home or the classroom here, or let the video play and take it all in that way. Enjoy!