Tag Archives: lyrics

Release: Cut Teaching Time in Half and Double Retention with PicLily

Chris-sensei explains the key benefits of using PicLily with the Beatles classic, “Hello Goodbye”. And those benefits are – saving your time and your voice! Other bonuses include: kids understand more, retain the meaning and pronunciation better, and have more fun learning. All for free on our site – it’s a win, win, win, win! Song lyrics with pictures to aid in learning – PicLily! Download the slides for use in your classroom and support our effort here, or stream the video below.

Release: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

Did you know that New Years Resolutions don’t officially kick in until Jan 3? So you have almost a week left to kick back and lounge out to Bruno Mars The Lazy Song. And if your resolution is improve your or your child’s English, get a head start and keep watching and listening to pick up all of Bruno’s great colloquial English in this song! Happy end to 2017 and a great year ahead! Check out our page for more info, or play the video below.

Release: Jingle Bells by Super Simple Songs

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells! The 15 students who joined our Dream Kids Winter Camp special will be singing this for the next month. The 2-day event was centered around a live performance of Jingle Bells, with singing, actions, playing on the drum and glockenspiel, and homemade Christmas hats. The kids earned the pumpkin pie they made as a reward with a great performance! Enjoy the PicLily edition of this song, performed by Super Simple Songs, and Merry Christmas!

Release: We’re All In This Together from High School Musical

Get everyone in the team spirit with this hit finale from High School Musical. In this version we have assigned a unique picture to every word, helping to visualize even words like “the” and “for”. This helps especially with pre-reading learners, who pick up words much more quickly with visual cues. This song is tried and tested at Dream Kids Network in Tokyo, Japan, where we are using it for our 2018 Year End Play. Kids age 3-6 love singing and dancing to this song! Song lyrics with pictures to aid in learning – PicLily! Support our effort and download the slides for use in your home or classroom at http://www.piclily.org/songs/w/were-all-in-this-together-from-high-school-musical/

Release: Chandelier by Sia

PicLily new release! Our first older student and adult release – Chandelier by Sia. Learn all the English in this truly epic party anthem. And let us know if you find this useful, entertaining, or have any other comment. Check out the beautiful picture sources here, or let the video flow below.

Release: Yellow Submarine (again!)

We are back on line! This week we return with a remake of our very first video, Yellow Submarine, incorporating what we have learned in the last 6 months – consistent text at the bottom, better fuller pictures, picture expansion when sung – for a clearer learning experience! More importantly, we have packaged our process and recruited some help to get more content out. Thanks to everyone who has supported us. We are looking forward to bringing out our best material yet in the coming weeks. Enjoy learning English with our Picture Lyrics! And be sure to check out the slides for your home or classroom here.

Weekly Release: The Beginning by ONE OK ROCK

Woohoo! This week we are proud to present our first user contribution, from Mitsu. The song is aptly chosen – The Beginning by Japan’s Linkin Park, ONE OK ROCK. It fits the beginning of our new phase as a channel – ramping up the invitation to get involved and build our movement to spread language and music by bringing them together with pictures. Check our page on contributing to learn more about how you can earn by submitting a PictureLyrics video.

Weekly Release: 1st 5 Learning Units Compilation

Test your coordination, singing, and playing ability with the first 5 PictureLyrics English Music Learning Units – for Hello How Are You, Rain Rain Go Away, Twinkle Twinkle, Old MacDonald, and Mary Had a Little Lamb. I take my young learners at Dream Kids through each of the stages for each song over the course of several lessons, but it’s amazing how well they can pick it up. Grab your Hohner glockenspiel and give it a try. Enjoy learning English and music through pictures!

Weekly Release: Old MacDonald Learning Unit

What better way to kick off your lesson on animals, than Old Mac with American Sign Language! OK, so I may have butchered some of them – the signs, not the animals! But check out Dr. Bill at Lifeprint for all the correct signs. And enjoy the rest of this video describing how I teach this song in lessons – with actions, PictureLyrics, and playing/singing on drum and glockenspiel. And download the slides for use in your home or classroom hereEnjoy learning English and music through pictures!

Weekly Release: Mary Had a Little Lamb Learning Unit

This is the first song I remember learning on the piano, and with this PictureLyrics learning unit I hope to bring more young learners into Mary’s fold! This week’s video shows 4 ways to teach, learn, and enjoy this classic – with dance, PictureLyrics, and music for the drum and glockenspiel. I use this song when teaching colors, as you can swap Mary’s white fleece for just about anything – silver, green, blue, fuchsia. Just make sure to change the snow part also – let your imagination run wild! And download the slides for use in your home or classroom here. Enjoy learning English and music through pictures!
